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9999999999亿金币钻石的游戏-Fox News Digital's News Quiz: August 2, 2024

时间:2024-09-20 08:41:48 来源:任人唯贤网 作者:百科 阅读:599次
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Split photo of Simone Biles and Jeff Bridges.

Simone Biles hits back at a former Olympic teammate, and Jeff Bridges shows support for Kamala Harris during an event with an eyebrow-raising name. Can you guess the details of this week's trending stories? (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images | Taylor Hill/WireImage)

A "big F.U." to Christians during the Olympics opening ceremony, a massive recall of millions of pounds of deli meat, and a war of words among Latin leaders are just a few of the big stories making headlines this week.


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